报告名称:Crossedproduct of operator algebras
报告人:EliasGeorge Katsoulis
时间:2018年6月26日-27日,7月3日-4日 15:00-16:50
The constructionof various crossed products for C*-algebras goes back to the beginnings of thesubject. Rather surprisingly nobody has considered so far the study of crossedproducts on arbitrary operator algebras. In the series of talk I will explainhow this can be done and I will explain how various problems in (bothselfadjoint and non-selfadjoint) operator algebra theory are actually problemsinvolving the structure of these crossed products. If time permits I will alsopresent a non-selfadjoint Takai duality.
EliasG.Katsoulis是美国EastCarolina University终身教授,研究方向为算子代数及相关领域,在《Transactions ofthe AMS》、《Memoirsof the AMS》、《J.FunctionalAnalysis》等国际著名数学期刊发表论文近50篇,应邀在国际学术会议上做大会报告20余次,是国际知名的算子代数学家。