报告题目:ANew Approach of Multilevel Modelling for Clustered Survival Data
In multilevel modelling for clustered survival data, to account for the difference among different clusters, a commonly used approach is to introduce
cluster effects, either random or fixed, in the modelling. The modelling with random effects may lead to difficulties in the implementation of the
estimation procedure for the unknown parameters of interest, because numerical computation for multiple integral may become unavoidable when
the cluster effects are not scalars. On the other hand, if fixed effects are used,there would be a danger of having estimators with big variances,
because there are too many nuisance parameters involved in the model used. In this talk, I will show a new approach of multilevel modelling for
clustered survival data. The proposed modelling does not have the potential computational problem which the modelling with random effects does,
it also involves far less unknown parameters than the modelling with fixed effects.
Some asymptotic properties of the proposed modelling and intensive simulation study results will be presented to demonstrate the advantage of the
proposed method. Finally, I will apply the proposed method to analyse a data set about the second-birth interval in Bangladesh. The findings are
quite interesting.
Zhangwenyangis a chief professor of statistics at York University, a top university in theUK, and a leading International Journal of business and economic statistics.Deputy editor of Economic States. Professor Zhangwenyang is mainly engaged inthe research of large data analysis, financial data analysis, high-dimensionaldata analysis, non-parametric modeling, time series analysis, spatial dataanalysis, multi-level modeling, survival analysis, and structural equationmodels.servedas deputy editor of the Journal of the American State Association, one of thethree top international journals of statistics. He was a member of theScientific Research Committee of the Royal Society of Statistics(only threeChinese in history served as members of the committee) and served as deputyeditor of the Journal of the American State Association, one of the three top internationaljournals of statistics.