报告题目:BootstrapConfidence Intervals and Randomization Tests in Teaching IntroductoryStatistics
报告人:Roy St Laurent
Traditional inference methods inintroductory statistics courses at the university level are often taught byfirst introducing the Central Limit Theorem and then giving students a set ofstandard formulas for test statistics and confidence intervals. A recent,growing trend in the United States is to teach statistical inference ideas byreplacing standard formulas with simulation-based methods. Bootstrap confidenceintervals and randomization tests are key tools used in this approach. Irecently taught two sections of introductory statistics at Northern ArizonaUniversity using this approach. I will illustrate how these methods were used,and the benefits and challenges associated with it. The free-to-useweb-application StatKey will be demonstrated.
RoySt Laurent博士是北亚利桑那大学优秀的数学与统计学系教授。他于1987年在密尼苏达大学获得统计学博士学位后,一直从事统计学教学与研究,在统计学领域拥有丰富的教学经验与研究成果。2002年至2006年,他曾担任北亚数学与统计系系主任。目前担任北亚学术系主任委员会执行主任,以及系主任和教育长委员会和校长战略计划与预算委员会成员。劳伦特教授的统计学研究重点在生物与卫生健康领域,并发表一系列学术论文,长达30多年担任美国统计学协会(AmericanStatistical Association)和美国数学学会(Institute ofMathematical Statistics)的会员。劳伦特教授还兼任北亚本校和外校的硕士与博士生导师。